Starting 15.2.0 GoCD Server will expose authentication end-point. What this means is GoCD users can add “custom” authentication schemes through plugins.

Examples of integrations possible:

  • OAuth Login - GitHub, Google, Hotmail, Yahoo! etc.
  • Single Sign-on (SSO) - LDAP, Okta etc.
  • 2-factor authentication - SMS verification etc.
  • Custom username & password authentication

How does it work?

Below is an explanation of how GitHub OAuth Login plugin works.

  • Generate OAuth token on GitHub.
Generate oauth token on Git Hub
Figure 1: Generate oauth token (Click to enlarge)
  • On plugin listing page users will see a gear icon (similar to one on the pipeline dashboard).
Plugin listing with gear icon
Figure 1: Plugin listing with gear icon (Click to enlarge)
  • Clicking on the gear icon opens a pop-up that renders “Plugin Settings”.
Configure plugin pop-up
Figure 2: Configure plugin pop-up (Click to enlarge)
  • Login Page
Login Page with Git Hub icon
Figure 3: Login Page with GitHub icon (Click to enlarge)
  • Click on GitHub icon
Authorize Go CD Server to access Git Hub
Figure 3: Authorize GoCD Server to access GitHub (Click to enlarge)
  • Successful login
Pipeline View on successful login
Figure 3: On successful login (Click to enlarge)
  • Ability to Search & Add users
 Search User screen
Figure 3: Search User (Click to enlarge)

We hope plugin developers are able to use this feature to support their organizations authentication mechanism.


As always, GoCD questions can be asked on the mailing list.