On August 23 2017, Apax Funds announced their acquisition of Thoughtworks, Inc. As you know, even though there are other contributors to GoCD, most of the core team members are from Thoughtworks. We wanted to share what this news means to the GoCD product, its contributors, and the open source community.
If you'd like to read more about the acquisition, this post by Martin Fowler has interesting context about the news.
The impact on GoCD
For the GoCD core team there will be no change. Thoughtworks remains committed to building the best open source continuous delivery tool. This transaction does not change that. We will continue to innovate by building on the thought leadership of both this community and the larger Thoughtworks community.
In fact, now seems like a great time to share what's coming next with GoCD.
What’s coming in GoCD
We recently reached out to some of you to understand your CD processes with some of the newer deployment ecosystems and have some exciting ideas to make GoCD more cloud native with better support for container orchestrators. We will start this journey with better support for Kubernetes and the Docker workflow. Stay tuned for further updates.