GoCD User Documentation
Information on how to set up, use and administer GoCD can be found here
Mailing Lists
GoCD Users Google Group
This mailing list is a place for users of GoCD to discuss and help each other. Developers may participate in the list from time to time, but the primary interactions are between users.
GoCD Developers Google Group
This mailing list is used for discussions about the development of GoCD. This list is only for discussion of changes to the source code and related issues. Configuration and support questions should be addressed to the user group.
Developer Documentation
Documentation on using the RESTful GoCD APIs
GoCD Developer Documentation
Documentation describing the development environment, technology stack and architecture of GoCD.
Contributor License Agreement
If you would like to contribute back to GoCD you'll need to electronically sign this agreement
Other Resources
Brand Assets
Logo files, colors, and brand guidelines.
Jez Humble's blog on all things CD.